the NachtKabarett

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All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise

"From The Paint Pit," a preview of Manson's artwork and workspace as he shared via his 2002 Journal post entitled, 'The Future Belongs To Those Who Create It'
Left; original Sixteenth Century illustration used by Manson as inspiration for his alchemical tree drawing, right.
The Philosophical Tree. "From the dead body succumbing to decay at the bottom of the resort, 'the mercurial soul, the spirit, the tincture is extracted.' According to Gerard Dorneus, mercury is 'the mineral root of the tree that nature has planted in the middle of her womb.' All metals emerge from it and its branches, are spread over the whole surface of the world, like the veins in the body. (Gerardus Dorneus, 'De genealogia mineralium,' 1568, in: Theatrum chemicum, 1602). Miscellanea d'Alchimia, Italy, 15th century."
Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum by Alexander Roob
Detail of the Philosophical Tree which flashes on the main menu of the Guns, God & Government DVD